Rubbermaid container

Southern States.... they are around 75.00 ... for the build IM ALMOST DONE!! i got 2 150 gallon rubbermaid tanks from them, 1 for sump, 1 for fuge... they were also about 75.00 each
check out a Tractor Supply store too. I've been using one of their 110 gallon oval TUFF TUBS for a koi tank . they have a 40 too. softer sides but nice and flat smooth side and bottom. compact. Not sure how they work with a bulkhead drilled through it though.

and they have the rubbermaid rigid tubs with bottom drain holes.

theres one on route 40 just over the border in MD, accross from the walmart. one in dover too i hear.
I never paid attention to the store across from Wal-Mart. I will have to stop in there some time. I think I am going to expand out into my hallway a little bit and start breeding some fresh water stuff until I can get these shrimp going. Thanks for the post kaptken.
If I go by there I will try to write down some of their prices. Is there a particular one you would be looking for pumpdogs? I may not get to go for a while though because of my car.

I do need to get some water soon though. Anyone have some RO water I could use? I'd be willing to pay .50 a gallon for it. Better then handing my money to Walmart and taking a trip to the recycling place with 40-50 plastic jugs and boxes.

I have 20 gallons made up in a bucket if you need it. Wont take your money but if you frag something that would be cool.
You will need to bring some buckets.
Awesome. I've got buckets just need to empty them out first. I have some frags of some NON-photosynthetic gorgs. Do you have a shaded area of your tank that has med-high flow? Too much light or too little flow an they won't make it.

BTW if anyone else would like some of these gorgs PLEASE let me know. I want to spread them out incase something happens to my tank. I find that not a lot of people can keep them alive.

Oh, I sent the links with the prices on them, but i guess it doesnt list prices in links unless you register as a member. just take a minute to register and then you can look up the tub prices. sorry. I registered long ago so it shows me the price at my local store in Md.

look under livestock care, equipment, buckets and tubs and stock tanks.
lol "when", I wish. Unfortunately right now school and work have just started, so my time for the hobby should be pushed back.(that being said the last 3 years at least I have read more on the web and in books on aquatic organisms then I have on what ever I am supposed to be studying for class) I need to do well this semester though if I want to ever dream of a marine bio grad school.

If I ever did get them raised up though I would take care of the people in the club who have helped me out along the way.

Keep you eye on the ball and nose in the books for now Jon. There is an endless supply of Bio-marine environmental problems brewing in the world oceans right now that need good grad students to solve them.

first things first!
pumpdogs, I am on my way in a little bit to Wal-mart if you can post what your looking for I can check while I'm out that way. I'll check my handheld before leaving. If you don't respond soon though I may not go. Too much of a temptation, lol. I'm too good at spending money I don't have especially when it comes to reef stuff.
Like one of the POLY TANKS Ken linked to earlier? If you type in the local zip code it says "2229901 100 GAL. $72.86". I didn't make it before closing yesterday. Did drive to both Walmarts hoping to find H2O, but both were out. I need to order some pressure gauges and a carbon filter for my RO unit.
pump I was there today and saw the 100g at that price and 50g 62.95. I meant to ask them if they ever have any kind of sales, but I forgot.