Running GFO in a large tank?


New member
I'm in the process of setting up a 200g tank, with sump and refugium about 300g total volume.

Would it be wise to run GFO on a large tank, will it be too expensive in the long run?

Was thinking of using the BRS larger reactor, running their high capacity GFO. As using the regular GFO will not fit in even their larger reactor for a tank this size.

Will growing cheatos in the refugium be sufficient in controlling algae growth?

I have never run a tank without GFO. In my experience whilst macro algaes are a good method of nutrient export, they seem to fair better with nitrates and leave p04 lingering. GFO is a good way to keep it at 0.03.

I dont know what you mean by the regular GFO not fitting?

The key to gfo is the flow rate. Certain products prefer more of a simmering within the reactor and others do better with slower flow for more contact time with the water.
You can easily check if you have it ok by testing the effluent from the reactor and making sure it is zero ( this only works if your tank has a reading of higher than zero)
As the reading from the effluent starts to rise to match what your tank is reading then its time to swap out the GFO.

The BRS jumbo reactor will only fit about 6 cups of GFO. I will need to run 9.5 cups of GFO per their recommendation, but if I run the High Capacity GFO I'll only need 5 cups.
Anyone have suggestions on a better way to do this? The HC GFO have very expensive.
The BRS jumbo reactor will only fit about 6 cups of GFO. I will need to run 9.5 cups of GFO per their recommendation, but if I run the High Capacity GFO I'll only need 5 cups.
Anyone have suggestions on a better way to do this? The HC GFO have very expensive.

that's one heck of a lot of GFO BRS wants you to buy lol.
all other brands require much less.
you need only a little over a cup if you use salifert phosphate killer gfo.
DFS phospure is 1 tbsp per 25 gallons so its not even 1 cup for 300 gallons
what i did

what i did

I have an 800 gallon system and ran into the the same issue. What i belive to be true is if you have a large valume of water in the system you need less GFO than the fourmula on the BRS site. What I did was go to my local plumbing supply company and bought 3 water filter housings that are clear. I then went to the Filter Guys web site and bought 3 of the media holders that BRS also sells for $10 each. You can get them from The Filter Guys for $5 each. The thread fittings between the filter housings are 3/4 inch. I glued them together in a series. what i also did was make the plumbing that feeds the reactor and takes the water back out of it in the shape of a hook and the unit hangs nicely on the out side of my sump. the unit is feed by a bleed off line from my return and contoled by a ball valve. I started with the High capasity GFO the BRS sells and placed 2.5 cups in each media holder. Each holds 3 cups. That brings my starting total to 7.5 cups for 800 gallons. As time went by I realized that I did not need all 7.5 cups. I now only put 2.5 cups in each of the first 2 chambers and the 3rd I place a cheap $1 water sediment filter to catch any loose GFO so it will not enter the system. I change my carbon and the GFO about once a month but It will last longer If I push it. I have a maintence cycle than runs best for me to do all at the same time. I have unreadable levels and NO GREEN on my glass! I am also running 3 400 watt Bulbs.
I will add this fact to point out the only issue with my reactor that only cost $15 per filter, $5 for each media holder and $5 in plumbing parts. As the GFO tumbels the flow around 2 weeks gets slower in the end of the secound stage. To ensure that the media does not stick togeather I put my hand on the ball valve once a week an open it up for a secound and then reset the flow to a fluidized motion as in the BRS vidios. My phone # is 405-863-6671 text me a message an I will send you a pic of the reactor. This same reactor is what I run my High cap Kent reef carbon in as well. 6 cups of carbon changed monthly for 800 gallons of water. You only need 2 of the filter chambers then.
Dude, you just posted your phone number on the internet. Why don't you just upload the picture to here on RC? Then everyone can see it and you don't need to expose your private info to the world.

I'm not sure why you would need to run that much in a 300G system. According to BRS's reef calculator you only need 2.34 cups of high capacity GFO. If you run the regular GFO you only need just under 5 cups. You will be fine with the Jumbo Reactor from BRS. I have a 340G system and run just under 3 cups of high capacity in the jumbo. It has worked great.
You could always regenerate the a search for it.....simple process....need RO water, vinegar, and a drain cleaner or something like it that's 100% sodium hydroxide.
Have a 350 gal and use BRS HC and lasts long time between 8+ months in a large vertex reactor.

agreed with above, regenerate it and it becomes one of the cheapest things in the hobby. I have an over 500 gallon system and have been using the same few pounds for over a year.