?s on tank size


New member
hello guys, ive been around here a while but i lost my old username! so im not really new but i am!!! anyways

Im looking at upgrading to a bigger tank and display. i had a 125 reef and its time to go bigger. heres what im wanting.

first the main tank id like to be 180-200 gallon range.

now this is where i have my questions for you guys. its going to be an upstairs display downstairs sump.

the sump tank i would like to be as large as possible is it feasible to go bigger on the sump/refrugium than the main display say
200gallon main with a 300 sump??? if so that would be a 500 overall. for the correct gph i need to pump it approx 10-12feet to main tank what kind of pumps can do that? thanks. for the help.
you will want something like a HammerHead or so ... you need a pump with High head pressure. Also some pump manufactures make a high head pressure model of a normal pump so shop around.
I did something close to what you are talking about.
I have a 275 upstairs and 220 in the basement. i went with a hammerhead hybird and i can tell you that its total overkill for my system needs. with it valved to less then 1/2 open the waterflow through my sump is to fast. I ended up putting the barracuda blade in and by passing some flow back into the sump, skimmer and a few reactors, Even after all that the return line is still valved to 75%.

What are your plans for drains to handel the flow back tot he sump?