I had posted in the Fish Disease and Treatment forum but didn't receive any replies for my cries of help. As I went back, I couldn't even see the thread unless I searched under myself to see where I've posted and even then I couldn't even reply to my own thread...weird.
Regardless, it's a sad day as I lost my entire tank over the last few days as a case of Brook broke out and killed all my fish inhabitants (2 false percs, 1 flame angel and 1 orchid dottyback). I wasn't quick to identify it but even after I did, I couldn't get any formalin as I couldn't find any in my area and amazon couldn't get me any until after Christmas.
I tried a fresh water dip and parasite control but that didn't work either.
In the 10+ years of this hobby I was fortunate to never have a major event like this, mostly just the dreaded GHA event but other than that, nothing major.
It is a stark reminder that we can't prepare for everything but if something seems wrong, don't wait to ask and get help if you aren't sure what to do. These communities are a great source of information and can be very helpful.
On a side note - now that I have to go fallow for a while, does anyone know off-hand the fallow period for Brook? Is it 2 months?
Additionally, my tank still maintains it's other inhabitants, coral and snails. I assume I can cut down on the tank feeding but how much? Every other day?
Thanks all!
Regardless, it's a sad day as I lost my entire tank over the last few days as a case of Brook broke out and killed all my fish inhabitants (2 false percs, 1 flame angel and 1 orchid dottyback). I wasn't quick to identify it but even after I did, I couldn't get any formalin as I couldn't find any in my area and amazon couldn't get me any until after Christmas.
I tried a fresh water dip and parasite control but that didn't work either.
In the 10+ years of this hobby I was fortunate to never have a major event like this, mostly just the dreaded GHA event but other than that, nothing major.
It is a stark reminder that we can't prepare for everything but if something seems wrong, don't wait to ask and get help if you aren't sure what to do. These communities are a great source of information and can be very helpful.
On a side note - now that I have to go fallow for a while, does anyone know off-hand the fallow period for Brook? Is it 2 months?
Additionally, my tank still maintains it's other inhabitants, coral and snails. I assume I can cut down on the tank feeding but how much? Every other day?
Thanks all!