Safe hermits or not (Interceptor)


New member
I'll be starting my red bug treatment this weekend. I have a 75 gal tank with about 25-30 blue leg hermits of all sizes. Should I remove them and keep them in a QT during the 4 week process?
I would say yes. That or find another home for them... LFS or whoever is willing to take a very small risk of getting RB. If the crabs are isolated from sps for about a week there should be no risk of reintroduction from them as the red bugs are reported to die in that time frame if they have no access to sps. Ideally the isolation should be longer in my opinion just in case there are eggs that hatch out or something along those lines...

If they stay in the tank and you dose enough to kill the red bugs, many if not all of the crabs will die.
It killed my hermits. All of my snails, shrimp, serpent stars, and larger crabs survived multiple treatments.

The few hermits that I could not get out did die...

My shrimp made it... Well teh first treamnet that is...

I will only be doing two treatments so we shall see if it makes it through the second treatment...