

I bought a Salifert KH/ALK-Mag-Calcium test kit last week. I was using Red sea and Fast test kits. my problem is reading the result, for example for ALK test it says (add drops until the color changes from blue/green to a orange-red or pink color whichever colol is observed first ). color changes so slowly that I can't tell when to stop, I compared the result of salifert against the others , mag and cal are same but ALK with fast test is 3.00 meg/l -Salifert is 4.23 meg/l that is a big diffrence.
I don't know which is right ? if it is 4.23 meg/l is it still in safe range ?
Hi Randy,

I wasn't certain at all about the end point or the starting point.
with fast test it changes from pink to yellow in an instant .
Nut, I've used both kits. the Salifert is more precise IMO. It does take a little getting used to. I find it easier to read doing the following. After you get about half way through the syringe, start adding just a couple drops at a time and swirl for a few seconds after each drop or two. Hold the test vial up to natural light. The color turns almost clear just before it turns a faint pink usually after one more drop.

You'll get the hang of it. :)