Salt and corals probs

Steve attewell

New member
Hi all I have been having salt problems in my tank and in the process of getting my salt levels down. Now I know salt puts stress on fish and corals and it affects them all in different ways. But in some of my corals I have noticed some changes to them and there not looking to good. Here are 2 pictures to show you guys what I am concerned about.

Now I know that this coral does look like this, it like shuts down for a week or two. But are the white dots on it normal or bad???

Now this one concerns me because its has turned black in some areas, now I know some corals can be stung and they sort of die off in certain parts, but does it look this bad????

Thanks to all replies as always.

Thanks Steve
It looks like the Toadstool is getting ready to shed, that is normal.

The second pic looks like sun polyp's and they look like they are all dying. They needlow light and medium flow, also each head has to be feed daily to do well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6772511#post6772511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blown 346
The second pic looks like sun polyp's and they look like they are all dying. They needlow light and medium flow, also each head has to be feed daily to do well.

Actually Sun Polyp's are not photo synthetic and yes they are dying, are you feeding them everyday?