salt mix question

Rea sea coral pro always mixes with DKh reading really high. I used to use ESV but the price was just too much after they discontinued 200gal box package.
I started using HW marine mix and I liked it, mixed around 8-9dhk , 430 cal , 1300 mag still kinda pricey though.

My LFS store has been selling 50 gallon bags of coralife salt for 8.99 though so I switched again to save some coin, it mixes at 9dkh 450cal and 1400 mag. Happy with it and the price.

I figured out the price increase was for the nice plastic 5 gal bucket they ship their stuff in. It's nice to have 5 gal buckets around so I couldn't care less for the price increase. I shop around for the best price with Marine Depot usually being cheapest. I've been using ESV for over 2 yrs now and won't switch for fear of upsetting my system.
I figured out the price increase was for the nice plastic 5 gal bucket they ship their stuff in. It's nice to have 5 gal buckets around so I couldn't care less for the price increase. I shop around for the best price with Marine Depot usually being cheapest. I've been using ESV for over 2 yrs now and won't switch for fear of upsetting my system.

There is a local bakery where I live that hands out 5 gal buckets for free so I am good on the 5 gallon buckets.

I just can't justify paying $60 for 100gals worth of salt compared to spending $20 on a 100gal salt that tests out close to what I want.
Regular Red Sea or Aquaforest. Both salt dissolves and ready to use in an hour. I keep my Alk between 8-9 dKH. Those salts are closest to my water parameters. I just bump up the Mg a bit.