Salt Mix with highest Alk out of bucket?


Active member
Anyone know of the top off their head which salt mix has the highest ALK content right out of the bucket. I know Seachem is pretty high, any others?

Has anyone used Seachem?
RSCP is pretty high, not the highest. I think its supposed to be like 12, but mine mixes close to 11.
11 is pretty good. I'm only getting about 9 with Reef Crystals which I went back to after I couldn't find anymore DD around here. I heard though that DD is made by Red Sea. Not sure if it's true or not but I may just go to that. Are you happy with it?
I was using DD for a while till they stopped carrying it around here. Now using RSP and like it a lot. Not sure if it was new RO/DI filters or the salt itself but my corals have been taking off. BTW, I switched to chloramines filters.
11 is pretty good. I'm only getting about 9 with Reef Crystals which I went back to after I couldn't find anymore DD around here. I heard though that DD is made by Red Sea. Not sure if it's true or not but I may just go to that. Are you happy with it?

Loaded question there. I am totally happy with it. I'm not quick to recommend it because there are a lot ove people that dislike this salt. Its is a little harder to mix, it precipitates easily, so its kind of a PITA. It also mixes very cloudy if you go too quickly. There is a very long thread on this salt, and lots of complaints.

That said, I will continue to use this salt, as I have had great results with it. I will also be using this salt for my larger tank.

Basically, just giving you a buyer beware. If you follow directions well, there's nothing to worry about. And if you happen to get cloudy water, it does not hurt to use it and clears up within 30 min. I did cloudy water changes for like 6 months (weekly) until I figured out what I was doing wrong.
What was it that you were doing wrong Danny?

Mixing in the garage where its hot, and mixing it too quickly. Now I'm mixing in the house, and slowly add the salt. I'll add about half of what I think, SLOWLY, let mix for a little while, and then add the rest until at I'm at the desired level. I used to get a HUGE amount of precipitate, which was not a negative thing, but alk would test around 8. Now that I do it different, Alk consisitently tests 10++, and I don't get the dust at the bottom of the bucket at all any more. I think that goes for mosts salts, but the RSCP is particularly sensitive because it has so much in it. The more minerals, the higher the chance of precipitate forming.

I'm not a chem guru, I'm just regurgitating what I think I've read. I do read A LOT though, so that has to count for something:hmm6:
What's wrong with mixing in a hot garage?

I suspect a lot of us married people do exactly that.

The higher the temp, the more likely you'll get precipitation. Not as big a deal with some of the lower alk salts. I'm pretty sure that's chemistry 101, but like I said, I'm just regurgitating. brute sits outside (in a closed closet but hot nonetheless) so the temp is usually high.

That said, I usually mix my salt and don't use it for a few days. I imagine that would let any participate settle and parameters should stabilize, no?

Does temperature also affect alk levels? Or just the possibility of participate?
The thing is, what precipitates out is the cal and alk, so lots of precipitation, you will get lower numbers. Maybe ask this question in the chem forum. This has been my personal observations.
Just mixed a batch of RSCP.

35 ppt

Alk 10.6
Cal 450
Mag 1410

Following the instructions regarding mixing temp and slow add help. It is never cloudy and does not precipitate.
Just mixed a batch of RSCP.

35 ppt

Alk 10.6
Cal 450
Mag 1410

Following the instructions regarding mixing temp and slow add help. It is never cloudy and does not precipitate.

Mix it hot and fast, guaranteed precipitation:wildone:
Just mixed a batch of RSCP.

35 ppt

Alk 10.6
Cal 450
Mag 1410

Following the instructions regarding mixing temp and slow add help. It is never cloudy and does not precipitate.

What do they say mixing temp is?
I find a tiny bit over 1/2 cup per gallon gives me 35ppt. I mix it at 72 for 30 min. That is the temp my rodi water seems to stay at unheated.

Directions say 68, mix with no aeration until ph stabilizes at 8.2-8.4.