salt mix

Best answer as others have said, is the one that mixes up with all the values you need for your tank. For me it's IO
Although I've used pretty much every salt on the market over the years and keep coming back to IO/IORC due to availability and price.
I Use only RED SEA, black or blue, mixes clear and leaves no residue on the mix containers
Get what ya pay for.

Only liked IO for fish only
Whatever matches your tank's existing parameters the best is the best choice for you. Hard to define best when everyone has different needs. If it turns out that the "best" option for you also happens to be the most expensive, than you could always try something more economical and adjust the parameters prior to changing the water. This of course will add the cost of any supplements you add, and add effort for each salt batch mixed.

I was using normal IO, but recently decided to try IO-RC. Other than high alk, I like it. mag and Ca are on point with what I run my tank at, so I add some muratic acid to drop the alk prior to water changes. For me, the effort is worth the price savings.

If you post the parameters you run your tank at, others can help you pick a salt that runs close and would be easiest to use. Ca, Alk, and Mag
IO for me. As stated above, price and availability play a factor. Plus running a calcium reactor to fill in any gaps makes some of the numbers not quite as important to me. Not to mention if it’s good enough for jason Fox, it should be okay for my tank.....:lol:
