Salt water in jugs?


New member
I was wondering if maybe someone could help me out here. I was thinking if I could mix up some salt water and keep it in 5 gallon containers so I could always have some ready for water changes.
Would this be possible guys? Would the chemistry in the saltwater just change over a period of time? Do any of u guys on here keep a batch of ready mixed saltwater?
Thanks for your help guys
As long as you keep it circulated it will be alright but i would not let the saltwater sit because it will not mix properly and the pH will be off. I do keep a batch on hand since i do water changes often in a brute 33gallon. If it is an eye sore inside the house you could keep it mixed out in the garage as long as the temperature is within reason. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
i dont' keep it mixed up already. the wife already *****es about all the stuff for the tank hanging around. she loves the tank, just not all the jugs and tubs needed to do the maintenance.

i don't think it would hurt to keep it stored for a couple of weeks. i don't think i would store it for a year or anything like that.
As long as you keep it circulated it will be alright but i would not let the saltwater sit because it will not mix properly and the pH will be off. I do keep a batch on hand since i do water changes often in a brute 33gallon. If it is an eye sore inside the house you could keep it mixed out in the garage as long as the temperature is within reason. Thanks

Steffen Sparks

I do the same. I always have a batch in a Brute can mixed and ready to go but I have a powerhead, airstone, and heater in it. I do weekly water changes so once I am done I just setup a new batch.
What I had in mind was mixing a bunch up and once it's really mixed up I just store them in 5 gallon water jugs. I mix the water up in container with a power head. Then check specific gravity till it's where I want it. The most time it would stay in a jug would be 2 weeks. I would try to use it up within the week.
Once in the jug it would just sit uncirculated.
I have a 20g brute that I have mixed for 1-2 weeks at a time (depending on when I feel like actually doing the WC. I also keep it sometimes stagnent in 5g jugs for 1-2 weeks after thorough mixing. Never had a problem.

EDIT, and in the 20g brute, I mix about 3 WC's worth of mix and so technically, some saltwater stays contained for up to 3 weeks.
I keep one gallon containers with pre-mixed saltwater in it. I use RODI/pr-mix salt when I do my topoffs to keep the same parameters. The one thing I make sure of though is to make sure to top it all the way to the top, the container. That way, there is no "air" present or an air pocket when you fill the water. That way, at least I know the chemistry in the container is stable and water does not get stagnant. I usually keep them for at least a week or 2 till my next WC.
I too keep 15 gallons mixed up, stirred with a powerhead and also aerated. I know Petco sells natural sea water (Real Ocean Water) in 5 gallon jugs but it is buffered for the pH. I would think you could keep your mix a few weeks as long as it was sealed up and kept out of sunlight.

how long is that premixed salt water sitting on the shelf at petco?? as long as it is mixed and adjusted and then put in an airtight container i think you should be fine for a long time.
I used a trashcan with wheels which was a disaster. The theory was I could keep it in the garage and wheel it in as needed... it kept splitting the plastic by the wheel rods. Now I just keep five gallons mixed up on hand and twenty gallons the day before a waterchange. Give it time and you will have plenty of five gallon salt buckets laying around.