New member
Hey everyone,
I've been breeding discus, Rams, and many other freshwater fish for many years. Been keeping planted tanks just as long.
I've recently started working at my LFS and been exposed to saltwater. I just picked up my first saltwater tank, a FluvalSea Evo 5 (I know smaller tanks are harder, but it's what I can afford).
I plan on using caribsea live sand, and starting w/ dry rock, possibly seeding w/ a small piece of live rock. Once I get the tank cycled, I would like to keep a small clown, and maybe some other fish depending on what's available for this sized tank. Later on I plan on adding some soft corals.
I've been researching the whole saltwater thing and I have some questions.
1. What's the best way to cycle a tank? Would live sand start my cycle?
2. What fish are good for this sized tank?
3. What are some good beginner corals that will do good w/ the fluval lighting and flow?
4. What parameters do I need to check, except for the basic freshwater ones? Salinity, etc...
I'm sure I'll have more questions, that's just all I could think of atm. Have alot on my mind, about to get pounded my the hurricane here in Florida.
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I've been breeding discus, Rams, and many other freshwater fish for many years. Been keeping planted tanks just as long.
I've recently started working at my LFS and been exposed to saltwater. I just picked up my first saltwater tank, a FluvalSea Evo 5 (I know smaller tanks are harder, but it's what I can afford).
I plan on using caribsea live sand, and starting w/ dry rock, possibly seeding w/ a small piece of live rock. Once I get the tank cycled, I would like to keep a small clown, and maybe some other fish depending on what's available for this sized tank. Later on I plan on adding some soft corals.
I've been researching the whole saltwater thing and I have some questions.
1. What's the best way to cycle a tank? Would live sand start my cycle?
2. What fish are good for this sized tank?
3. What are some good beginner corals that will do good w/ the fluval lighting and flow?
4. What parameters do I need to check, except for the basic freshwater ones? Salinity, etc...
I'm sure I'll have more questions, that's just all I could think of atm. Have alot on my mind, about to get pounded my the hurricane here in Florida.
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