Sand needs cleaning


New member
i need something that will clean my sand. it has like a big brown/green patch in the front of my tank. i have 5 turbo snails and 4 blue legged hermits with 1 sally crab thing. wut can i use to make my sand wgite again.
You can't really make it white like it was before. If the patch you are talking about is thick, try to take it out in 1 piece by hand. Some algaes you have to end up doing that if your inverts are not doing their jobs. My turbos and hermits never went for the green algae on my sand bed, I ended up doing it myself.

The brown/green patch can be diatoms or green algae, for new tanks this would be normal. Try to add more flow into that general area, its more then likely a dead zone.
so then wut can i do. just put a powerhead and hop it goes a way. i heard a lawnmower blenny might eat it. or is thier any fish that might. i want a new fish but not one that is just thier for fun but one to do the job that i need.LOL

i feel so bad for the fish saying that. im basicaly sang he has no purpos. sorry for the afending statment.:(
Most people get fishes for the looks. My clowns don't do much but look pretty. lol

Don't aim the powerhead right at it! It will stir up the stuff. Just aim it in that general direction. OR Try to remove it by hand 1st. Put a little baggie inside of the tank, sort of next to the algae (I assume) and try to get as much of it in one try and then place it in the bag. When your all done, pull the bag out but make sure it is sealed so the stuff does not come out and it into the tank. If it does, it can be consider "seeding" the tank and you might have more algae in your tank.