Sand or no Sand


New member
I am setting up a 250 gallon tank with a 125 gallon sump and was wondering what everyone's views are on sand. Should I leave it bare bottom or add sand? Also, I am going to add a closed loop to this tank either on the floor or on the back, which would be better?

As far as what I want to keep in the tank, not much fish, mainly sps and lps.

Any input as to why or why not would be appreciated.
I say sand why 1 look better 2 many fish and invertebrate will need sand but if u only care about sps bare bottom will be best for u.............
My main concern is that the tank is acrylic and I don't want to scratch the tank with any sand when I clean the viewing panels.
I would do no sand, barebottom (use a starboard base though to protect the bottom from scratches, sharpen the edges so it won't collect detritus) and for any denitration I would use remote deep sand beds, like either in your sump, or for a tank that size you would use 2-3 5g buckets if you wanted to go that route. There are more suggested RDSB sizes in the RDSB thread. You'd have to search for it.