Sand question


New member
So, like the obsessor I am, I have only had my 14 g cube for a month maybe a month and a half, and just got a 29g tank. I know, I know, I'm going to get ahead of myself, walk before I run... But, I couldn't pass it up! So, my question is, I REALLY like the look of the black sand, but I am hearing mixed reviews. I hear that some have magnetic pieces in it that get stuck in the mag float and scratch the glass, that you can see all the poo and garbage from the tank on it. What is everyone's opinions? What do y'all keep in your tanks?
Never had it in my Sw tank but used black gravel in my old FW. Didn't like it. Actually looked grey after a while even though I was gravel vacuuming every week with WC's. Also, remember you are not getting any bounce with that color from your lights.
You do get some nice contrast but it can be hard to see algae,diatoms,and any other normal signs of changes in your system that are easily seen with white or pink substrate. If you're the obsesser you claim it would probably work out for you just stay on top of your numbers.
Yeah, I'm just going to stick to white. I've done lots of research and white looks to be the best for what I can handle. And by numbers do you mean testing my water? Because I am on that like white on rice. I'm always making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. I can't stay away from my tank! Lol
Black sand gives an awesome look to your tank, It is very natural looking and really makes the colors pop like crazy. The real only down side would be the increase maintenance you will have to do to vacuum the top layer weekly to keep crap off of it. If you don't mind all the extra work then go for it. You could also mix some white and black together to give it that Hawaiian Black look. When I set up my chiclid tank, I did it in white with added black around the rocks and also had it mixed in the middle to give the tank a depth look and it was awesome.

But it Really just depends on what brand of black you bought. Some are a bit magnetic based on where its from. If you on cleaning it weekly and keeping it spotless, then black is the way to go. If not Just mix a little bit and see how it looks with your background and set up.

Help this helps
I haven't read thru the other replies to much...

but black sand is calcite based. not aragonite.
you will get nothing from it but a black sand base....
it's pretty useless for anything but a look