sarco fragging


New member
I have a GIANT sarcophyton leather in my 90gal reef which I would like to frag and sell if possible . I have watched youtube videos on fragging these. Mine is probably 11 inches tall with a trunk diameter of 6 inches. some of the videos use iodine or coralRX or Revive dips after the cuttings. Good idea or not? Do I really need to take my giant out of the tank to cut off 1-2 pieces?
thanks, JS
I have a GIANT sarcophyton leather in my 90gal reef which I would like to frag and sell if possible . I have watched youtube videos on fragging these. Mine is probably 11 inches tall with a trunk diameter of 6 inches. some of the videos use iodine or coralRX or Revive dips after the cuttings. Good idea or not? Do I really need to take my giant out of the tank to cut off 1-2 pieces?
thanks, JS

Generally no, if you need to snip a few pieces off you can just use some very sharp scissors (make sure they are sturdy with a tight joint) and make a clean cut. It is best to run some fresh carbon as the leather is likely to release some extra alleopathic (sp? the chems it uses to defend itself...) compounds right after you mess with it.

A warning if you have not cut leathers before, they are tougher than they look.

If you are chopping the whole thing up you would likely want to remove it from the tank. Otherwise it will get messy.
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