Saturday October 24th at 2pm CORA will be hosting Mark Vera @ the Quarry clubhouse

CORA's October meeting will feature speaker Mark Vera. Mark's presentation will focus on Refugiums for saltwater aquariums and the culture of phytoplankton.
He is Working on various personal and public research projects. Mark spent two years breeding seahorses. Currently an active divemaster, travel/wildlife correspondent and photographer. Owner of Aqua-Tech Co. Manufacturer of Phyto2 and Zoo2 Product lines.

Aquarium, and marine biology professionals with extensive experience in the aquarium ornamental industry formed Aqua-Tech to provide reasonably priced solutions for captive reef aquaria. Since its inception Aqua-Tech, manufacturer of Phyto2, has had one goal. To provide natural, sustainable solutions to mimicking ocean environments in captive aquariums. Through the use of Refugia, Aquacultured products, research and new techniques we are achieving our goals.

Phyto2 Website

Directions to Meeting Location
Quarry Club House
2101 Quarry Valley Road
Columbus, OH 43203

Kick off the reefing season right by joining us Saturday, Oct. 24th, for this informative talk by Mark Vera. Hope to see everyone there for this presentation on 2 interesting subjects that will be sure to answer a few questions you may have like:

Why are refugiums such a positive influence on our saltwater environment? What are the best macros to keep in a fuge? Are some marine critters better than others to maintain in a fuge?

What about phyto. What is the best phyto to grow? What is the easiest phyto to grow? What are the requirements to get a bare bones setup up and running to begin culturing your own phyto?

These are questions all of us have had, or currently have, regarding these two subjects. This is a meeting that will focus on educating us regarding the above questions, as well as others you may have.

From beginner to advanced hobbyist, this presentation is sure to have information you can take back with you to improve your reef keeping experience.

CORA members attend FREE, non members are just $5.
I talked to him yesterday and if you want to order some Phyto he said he would bring it down with him save on shipping.
Hey guys, we're going to start a "special price" group buy at the meeting.
We think this will allow members to have a better understanding of the products that might best fit their needs. I, for one, have no clue what I would want or need from his company but might have a better idea after his presentation.
Hope you can all make it!
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Pretty sure the pricing will be for club members only. Good reason to get that membership. It also gets you into the presentation FREE. ;)
Don't forget the meeting tomorrow at 2:00. Great chance to gather some good information from Mark Vera. CORA members will also be able to get in on special group pricing on Mark's phyto products. See everyone there. :beer:
Going but its home-coming weekend so my student have bailed on me.

I just can't understand why they would rather go to a dance than drive two plus hours with me to hear a talk on algae. What is this world coming to LOL
I just can't understand why they would rather go to a dance than drive two plus hours with me to hear a talk on algae. What is this world coming to LOL

:hammer: What is wrong with the youth today??? Oh ya.......I would have probably made the same choice at 17/18. :D
ok, I just paid for 1 yr membership... should I bring a paypal receipt or something for the discounts?
I'm pretty bummed I missed out on this... I've been too overwhelmed with studying for midterms to leave the house. They're killing us! Well at least I'm a CORA member now. Hopefully I can make it to the next meeting. If anyone has a summary with pics or something that would be great to see!