Save the date: FMAS Dec 10th, 2013 Meeting at Nova. Chingchai Presentation


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When: Dec 10th, 2013
Time: 7pm
Where: Nova University @ John Lloyd Park

Presenter: Chingchai Uekrongtham

For those that didn't get a chance to see Chingchai's presentation at Macna or maybe you had to stand out into the hall way. Here is your chance to see it in a more personal via video conference.
Nova Southeastern Oceanographic Center
8000 N. Ocean dr.
Dania Beach, Fl 33004

Located in John U Lloyd Park, just tell the park ranger your going to Nova and they'll let you in free.
Awesome guys!! Thanks for putting this together. I heard he was the best speaker at MACNA, yet the room was so full many couldnt get in.

And of course us in FMAS where either volunteering and or working show!!
Yes, it will be his tank build. You might think so what... Well take a look at this video and see why Chingchai was one of the most attended Macna speakers with standing room only.

Lets see if I can embed the video :)
Also we will have a NSU Master's student present a short topic on Lionfish Invasion and current research that's being done on them. Look forward to having the club over again!
Sounds good to me but i hope Adam doesnt plan on putting an Achilles and Powder Blue in same tank (150G).

I wouldnt mind some salt, test kits, Hanna testers etc... These are items everyone can use.