Saving critters on live rock


New member
Hello, I posted this in the discussion forum but haven't gotten an answer, thought I'd try here.

I am removing some live rock from a small, cycling tank because it is not great quality. There are some tube worms and shrimp on it, though, and I don't want to kill them by drying out their homes! How would they do in a 30g Brute trashcan? Low water flow, poor light quality, but fresh RO/DI saltwater (Seachem Reef Salt).

Also, what are the tiny grey shrimp? I see them mostly at night, and there are quite a few of them!
Sounds like amphipods. Good guys but a pic helps. A brute can with some circulation in it, heater if necessary and you're good to go for awhile. Some corraline may die off w/o light though but will re-establish itself. Keep up the water changes and if it is being stored for awhile, a skimmer may help too.
agree with DrBDC. keep a good amt of circulation, temp right, and a while is ASAP. make sure you do your best to keep the LR under water at all times.
Agreed as well but make sure you use at least half old water in the trashcan and not all newly mixed water to preserve as much life as possible. Freshly mixed seawater can be very caustic. Just a good excuse for a water change:)

the best thing i've found is to never remove it from the water, keep it submerged in some water at all times
some animals can die out of water in 30 secs. ive had a feather dusters feathers just collapse after 10 secs and wont get back up.