Schroom Newbie! How long till all open up?


New member
Hello all,
I purchased my first mushroom from the LFS this weekend. It has about 12 different blooms on one piece of rock. It looks as if most are doing well but two or three have yet to open completely. Do they take awhile to acclimate or is it something I should worry about. One is fairly large and I would like to see it open up. Anyhow my parameters are below and all still check out OK as of yesterday. Also, I do have it in the open at the bottom of the tank and was wondering if they can get to much light and should I put it under some rock for shade.


I'd give it a couple days. I have shrooms that some days don't open at all and other days they open up to about a 2" diameter. Plus, they all close up when the lights go out.

I got some blue striped shrooms 2 days ago, only 1 out 3 has fully opened.
If you still haven't seen extension in a few days try a different location. Think of where it was placed in the store, near flow? high or low in the tank? what type of lighting they are running? you can research what species and check its needs

good luck with the shrooms