Schrooms dislodging from Main Rock


New member
Hello all,

As usual a question. Some of my schrooms have decided to seek haven elsewhere in my tank than from the rock they came on.

1. Is this a problem or normal?
2. Should i let em float until they find a new home?
3. Should I eat them and see what happens? Haha

Thanks for all replies,

i had some mushies decide to migtrate and it was due to too high a flow rate. for loose mushrooms heres what i do, get a small tupperware and put some sand in it, let the mushroom encrust onto the sand, then glue the mushies to a rock (by glueing the sand they just attached too) works every problem with letting mushies go where they please is that i have a very high flow rate and theyll either get eaten by a powerhead/intake or find their way in between some rocks and die.

hope this helps man

I think my flow is too high and i will try to glue them or stuff them on the low flow side of the tank.
