Schuran Reactors and Schuran Coral Sand...?

Todd March

Premium Member
Jeremey and Jason,

I am very interested in the Schuran Jetstream Pico Ca reactor for my new 90g tank I am setting up (when you have it back in stock). I am wondering if you guys have any experience with this reactor or feedback from customers that have purchased it...?

Also, Schuran recommends a very large coarse coral "sand" (20mm) for this reactor... Can you order their special Schuran Coral Sand for us customers that purchase this reactor...?

Thanks for the time and attention,

Hi Todd,

We can get you the coarse sand, we have a little instock. It's almost dime to nickle sized chunks.

It doesn't look like we are getting any pico's for some time though. The USA master distritbutor is just not bringing them in, probalby just not popular enough. We could make you a special deal on the next size up though.

Hi Jason,

Wow, this really sucks... I have so little room for a Ca Reactor, and have heard such incredible things about the Jetstream line... Really wanted the Pico model...

Will the coarse sand be available on a regular basis, or will this too stop coming into the USA? It would be a nightmare to buy a reactor, special deal or not, and then not having access to the right media...?


Hi Todd,

I'm sure a few places will continue to bring it in. We probably will discontinue the Schuran line though, just not selling.
they sell the complete scharan line of reactors and the media , the media from scharan is only $4.00 a bag which will fill the pico-jet up with a little left over for the next filling, this reactor is very well made and does a revy good job conserving co2, as well as keeping calcium levels at or over 500ppm, and dkh levels in the tank at or obove 14!, with a amaszeingly small footprint , so if you are like me space under and around your tank is probbly limited.
Hi Todd,

The GEO and the Precision marine are our top sellers. From all the reactors we have tried, the PM brand is the easiest to use and best performer. The GEO is very close to the PM on ease of use and performance.
jasonfrey said:

It doesn't look like we are getting any pico's for some time though. The USA master distritbutor is just not bringing them in, probalby just not popular enough. We could make you a special deal on the next size up though.


Hi Jason,

The next size up is the JetStream-1. What's the special deal for it? Does the JetStream-1 have the setup to hold a controller? To run this reactor, I need a CO2 Regulator w/Solenoid, PH controller, CO2 tank, media, and feeding pump. Do I miss something else?


The jet stream 1 does have a ph probe/fitting, best to t off a return line from your sump return pump, you want need to much as the amount of water comeing into the reactor will be the amount comeing out maybe 40-60 drips per minute, depending on tank size/reactor tunning(you could increase the effluient outflow but you will have to match the amount of co2 with the out flow) mine only a pico jet, is currently 40 bubbles co2 to 40 drops per minute outflow at a ph of 6.2.Oh aquatic eco systems sells the right media (scharan's) for $4.00 a bag, all the other stuff clots its not coarse enough. And the reason there not restocking them is because of the exchange rate of the euro dollar to the american dollar! At current exchange rates the picojet is almost 550.00 dollars american !

Anyone wanting a special deal, just email we can't make it public.

On the exchange rate, that has increased cost quite a bit, but not why the Pico didn't get imported, otherwise they would not of imported any of them. It's just not a good value to begin with being so small and once you add in the exchange rate that makes it even less apealing. The exchange rate didn't raise retail prices though, the distributors and retailers like us aborbed the hit and took less profit, so everyone cut some corners on this last shipment. Even so, the prices i think are still too high.
Hi Everyone,

I went ahead and made the reactors on sale online. The jet1 for 399.95 and the Jet2 for 799.95, so big savings. We also have the coral sand for 2.00lb, only 22lbs instock though.


jasonfrey said:
Hi Everyone,

I We also have the coral sand for 2.00lb, only 22lbs instock though.




I just ordered a JetStream1. But I could not find the Schuran coral sand. Is it $2.00/lb? How big is one bag? How can I order it?



We could just add it to your order. They shipped us in big bags, not the little pouches, that is why we are selling by the pound. I would find a web conversion to see what 2.5 KG equals in pounds and that is how much you'll need to fill the reactor. Sorry i can't get this info for you right now.

jasonfrey said:

We could just add it to your order. They shipped us in big bags, not the little pouches, that is why we are selling by the pound. I would find a web conversion to see what 2.5 KG equals in pounds and that is how much you'll need to fill the reactor. Sorry i can't get this info for you right now.


Hi Jason,

So it's $2.00/lb, right? 2.5KG is 5.5lb. All you have is 22lb, right? I want to have all of it. Please add it to my order #35930 and shipping zip is 08816.



How tall are the 5lb and 10lb CO2 tanks?

For the CO2 regulator, which one is better and easier to use, Milwaukee CO2 Regulator w/Solenoid or RF Deluxe CO2 Regulator with Solenoid?

And for the PH controller, same question, Milwaukee pH Controller SM122 or Pinpoint pH Controller w/probe?

Do you have a package deal as offered by other vendors?


hi Sean,

The 5lb is 18" tall, the 10lb is 20.5" tall. We put together package deals, but with the reactor at 100 dollars off, we really do not have profit left to make a package.

On the Co2 regular, the RF brand and AquaMedic brand we feel are easiest to use and best quality, tank pressure is preset on those, so all you do is adjust the bubble count pressure.

On the controller, we like Pinpoint brand better, but when it comes to controllers, i think the price difference is too high. So i would go with the Milwaukee brand and save some cash.
