Score; Lionfish 1, Vet 0.

I think he just stuck his hand in the wrong place and is blaming it on the animal. I have never heard of a lion "charging" anything. My lions (or any lion I have ever seen) have all been the most docile creatures ever (unless you can fit in their mouth!).

The vet should have known that hot water slowly neutralizes the enzimes that cause the pain.

Sounds all blown out of proportion to me.
I thought a few of the people in this forum would get a good chuckle out of this.

Not like funny ha ha but funny like I can't believe you did that....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6708619#post6708619 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave Cox
Pretty dumb vet, keeping lions and 'not realising how venemous they were'....

My thoughts exactly.
My guess is the Vet wasn't paying attention to what he was doing or watching the Lion while he had his hands in the tank.

I never had issues with my Lion. When I put my hand in the tank, the Lion would almost always trun away from it, and all I needed to do was gently brush my hand toward him, urging him out of the way.

The only reason I can think of for a Lion charging is that the Vet maybe made a sudden movement and the Lion felt threatened.

At least the vet will recover.
If the sting and venom of a lion fish is similar a bee sting and if you are allergic to bee stings a person can die. and some not all scorpion stings are the same way.
If the sting and venom of a lion fish is similar a bee sting and if you are allergic to bee stings a person can die. and some not all scorpion stings are the same way.

My understanding is the sting is similar to a bee sting but the Venom is different than a bees..... That is from everything I have read on the venom. Hope someone chimes in that knows the comparison of bee venom & lion venom...

I have also been stung but was not rolling on the floor, I went to run hot water..... One hurts But 6 that would be pretty painful when you think about

I found out the hard way that the venomis different. I am allergic to bee stings and have been stung by 2 lionfish (fuzzy dwarf) and a wild one in the red sea. Neither of them killed me:) but both hurt like hell
all fish's temperments are different ive read of lionfish charging people before even though its rare.....and all people are diff he could of had a diff reaction to it then other no one really knows if this guys is careless or not most of the opinons i read are based on assumptions of how this guy treats his fish ...
First, it was the Summer of the "Shark Bites" being blown out of proportion by the media, now we will have "When Lionfish Attack" all over the media:)
Most stings happen because people are careless, did the fish charge at him? Who knows but most stings are from stupidity, you have taken opinions way to personal.

Would it Hurt? Ahhhh YEA!!!!!

I also see in the article ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œI was having seizures and convulsions," Kevin said.

But what, I stopped to call my girlfriend.... OK, we can go with that!!!!

I have not seen one comment on how he treats his fish, My comment in another thread was "careless" ...

Actually here is what I said:

I really hope this kind of thing does not start about lions being vicious attackers!!!!!!! He was a vet that was careless with his fish, & I have not seen a news reporter that did not like Drama!!!

But I suppose if it was not exaggerated it would not have made the papers.


You seemed to have a problem with that and called me ignorant because you did not like my opinion!!!!
ok ignorant is the lack of understanding and since no one knows enough of this guys attack it would be ignorant to jump to the assumption that he was careless........Fact he is a Vet which gives him a bit more credibility then a average fish keeper in the respect that he might have more expierence with animals and respect a animals "space" ....or maybe not but my point is WHO KNOWS so dont blow off the possibility that this could of the artical a doctor did say he could of died in a hour that seems pretty intense to me...or is the doctor full of it to?
if your allergic to scorpionfish venom, you'll never know until you get stung.
So yes it could--in theory- kill you. However as mentioned no one has died due to direct complications of lionfish envenomation.
Purely pain & suffering
Rolling on the floor- I can relate. if you read my lionfish info sheet article you'll see i got tagged, before, it hurt like the veternarian wrote, did i call my g/ but i did bring myself to the ER.
I too find i hard to believe how naive this Vet was, however Vets go to school to treat cats/dogs/cows, not fish. I hav NEVER met one vet w/ any Fish experience until recently. I don't even think Texas A&M vet program has a rotation in fish husbandry, never mind trying find a vet w/ exotic experiences (like reptiles). They are far & few
The article states:

Kevin realizes now he could have died. ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œThe specialist there at the hospital said that it would've taken maybe another hour and I would've been in cardiac arrest,ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ Kevin said.

**** Kevin said a specialist said....... *******

I understand what you are saying yet I can see how others have taken this.....

Yes, he is a vet & a lionfish keeper, should he have know to run it under hot water since he is a vet? Who knows........

What did they do for him? All that I can see is benedryl that the paramedics gave him.....
