Score one for me, make that 210 for me


New member
I was floating through a few treads in the PARC site when I came upon a thread for a free to first respnder 210 gallon reef ready tank. Only problem, it leaks, the silicone at the one side needs replacing. I went and got the tank and found it in better shape then I expected. Except for some coraline deposits it was in perfect shape.
Now explaining to my wife why do I need it that was a little harder. I found it easier to not tell her untill I was half way home. Hey it made sense at the time. Well it worked. She is the most understanding wife ever. She knows my needs, yet thinks I'm nuts.
So now I have to set it up. This may take some more convincing. Maybe I can give her the 75 and I get the 210. Might work.

Thanks to Jon for being ready on 12 hours notice to dive to get the tank.
Good find and congrats!!!

I'm sure Jen would be more then happy to fill the 75 - she did tell me she wanted a tank upstairs of her own.

Now hnow long will it take you to re-do the hole in the wall and all the plumbing to swap out the 75?
Won't fit there, too close to the heater. Will have to keep it in the bar room. Have to plan my build out and figure what lights I will need.
Cool find but how bad does it leak? I might let water sit in it for a year before i tried estabilishing a reef in it.. id be to worried it would start leaking again
No problem. I think I lifted the least out of the 3 of us. If you want I could help with the resealing job if you deside to drip the glue and redo it. If we are able to get over 200 gallons safely in your house I'll feel a little better about attempting to seal up the 30g sump I have.

I think it would be fun if you, I mean Jen, had a 75g FO tank. :-)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10173342#post10173342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Shnabbles
Cool find but how bad does it leak? I might let water sit in it for a year before i tried estabilishing a reef in it.. id be to worried it would start leaking again

Not that bad. I found the leak right away. Looks like he cut the silicone in the one spot when he cleaned off the coraline algae with a razor knife. I plan on resealing the entire tank not just the one spot.
Wow! Nothing like the power of impulse shopping!! The force is strong in this one. From what you have described about the success of your 75, I can't wait to see how this BIG ONE turns out.

Should be super! But like Grandpa used to say, there is no such thing as a FREE Puppy! Let the shopping begin.
Something fishy

Something fishy

I filled the tank with water and muric acid to clean it out. After leaving it over night the water was at the same level and the concrete under the tank was dry. It was given away for free because the tank leaked. Funny it doean't leak. Maybe he had a plumbing problem. When we got to the guys house he was in the process of moving. I think he couldn't take the tank with him. He said the tank dumped the entire volume of tank water on the floor. But except for some silicone that were loose on the edges I can't find a hole or even a slight leak. Maybe he couldn't take the tank and didn't have time to wait for a sale so he used the water leaking to file an insurance claim. He never did sell the equiptment..

I am going to let it sit for the week with a pump pushing water around and see what happens. After that I will re-silicone some loose edges and get it ready to go up.
Sounds like a good deal.. man if it didnt keep this tank cause of a plumbing leak he made a serious goof!
Eh, it would seem like a serious goof to us, but I would think a little goof for him. When we went to pick up the tank I got the idea that the guy wasn't exactly starving for cash.(nice house, area, car, furniture...)
Same here. I think he needed it gone right away. Couldn't wait for it to sell. I think the whole leak thing may be to file an insurance claim get the full value from home owners and not have to worry about it. I have my tank listed as a rider. So if it goes I can set it up again.