Scored a cool pink Yuma

A couple more pictures under led atinic/6500

A couple more pictures under led atinic/6500


Niiiccce! those yuma's are the one's i like. just wait until it starts opening up, when it does put up the pix here.

I got it at a LFS. It came in with a bunch of thugs labeled "Red Riccordia.". This one was clearly different and the owner seemed a tad annoyed that it wasn't red :). So I bought it! Clearly not red or a ric, I negotiated a fair price.
Cool yuma; nice score. Show us another pic after it really opens up.

I noticed photos of baby seahorses, as well. Did you breed your seahorses? If so, do you have any particular advice?

I've bred clownfish & raised the fry, and always wondered how difficult it would be to breed seahorses...
I did try raising the baby sea horses a few times, but never succeeded past 1.5 months. If you are already raising brineshrimp and rotifers regularly now, they would be easy enough to raise I think. I just wasn't able to keep up with the brine shrimp/water changes. Maybe I'll try again when I have more time (3 young kids to raise right now).
I bought exact same one from the LFS. The guy though it was a mushroom. Would you mind if I ask you how much you paid for it?