Scuba Planning???


New member
I'm planning a trip for my wife and I for our anniversery in November this year. We are looking at the caribbean and possibly St. Thomas. I did the "resort" dive once, but loved it. I plan to get my certification prior to this trip, so I should be good there.
Can anyone recommend dive spots (I won't own my own stuff) in that area? Good things, bad things, etc.?
I live in Iowa and don't get to the ocean enough to buy my own equipment, although I would love too.

Thanks for any help. She said I could fully plan where we go and wanted some neat diving.

St John, next door to St Thomas and also a US territory, is much nicer, cleaner, quieter, more beautiful, and safer. Just for the heck of it, check out Grenada. Beautiful, exotic, civiized, great diving, lovely rainforest (with monkeys) and not as expensive as St. John or as overrun with tourists as St. Lucia.
November is hurricane season in the Caribbean, it is at the tail end of the season but you should consider getting trip insurance just in case. That said we are planning a trip to Grand Cayman in November and I can't wait.

I haven't been to St.Thomas so can't help you there. I have been to the Mexican Caribbean, Cozumel has awesome diving and is relatively cheap.
One good resource for dive info on a specific spot is Scubaboard.
Man, try to get scuba advice and I end up with a grammar lesson. I got learned. :)

Sounds like it is St. Thomas for sure. Lots of things to do on land, but decent diving/snorkling. My parents went there and loved it. I think some of the resort/hotels have dive boats that swing by and pick people up. Just need to see who does a nice job for a reasonable price.
Man, try to get scuba advice and I end up with a grammar lesson. I got learned. :)

Hoo-hah! :D

Yousmellsfishy and I are the Grammar Police. :D

I actually corrected a "Me and _____" today at the tire store and an "Aks" today at Wal-Mart ("The computer AKS you for an ID when you buy wine"). I don't care if you think I'm a jerk for it - if you're going to talk to me, then please speak correctly unless you really don't know any better. I am not your homeboy - I am your customer, and I expect to be treated with respect while you take my money. :)

Both of them admitted to knowing better - yes, I know you're smarter than "aks." So why do you do it? Please don't insult either of us.

A big smile during the correction and a friendly attitude keeps them from thinking I'm too much of a jerk - not that I'm too concerned about it. :)
Hoo-hah! :D

Yousmellsfishy and I are the Grammar Police. :D

Speak for yourself, SeaJay. I'm in the "let it slide" camp. As you know, I only mentioned it in this thread as a joke because of the stir it caused in that other thread.

Cybball, I'd love to get a trip report when you get back. My wife and I are always looking for new islands to check out. We've never been to the Virgin Islands but I hear they're wonderful. My wife snorkels and I dive, so we would like to go to places with great diving along with easy access snorkeling.

Oh, and by the way SeaJay, I think you meant to say, "Me and yousmellsfishy be the grammar police".
My dad snorkled and said it was killer. I'm planning on diving and snorkling both, so I'll give you the scoop when I get back. We aren't going until November though.