SCWD Wavemaker


Active member
Has anyone ever tried out the SCWD Wavemaker - Switching Current Water Director (Squid) ? If so, whats your opinion on it? I am planning on getting one.
it sucks
new one is supposed to be better but prolly worse quality
the old one ( cheep 50 buck one) switches to fast to be any good and cuts back water flow alot..

at 900 gph i think it switches every 1/2 seconds or somthing.. its been years since i looked at the chart
i never bought one but have used them at work

on my tank at home i use an ocean motion super squirt ( its a powered 4 way vavle.. not much more money then the new scqd
several years with no cleaning and it stll works like new..

i also use maxijet mods on my prop tanks.. lovem
i've got one...not the best thing in the world as it does cut down A LOT of flow, but it gives me good random flow in my tank. I'm setting up the new tank so that I could easily disconnect the plumbing as is and screw in the new 1" sqwd if I decide to do that. new ones a little more expensive, but looks like it would be better as it doesn't reduce the flow nearly as much.
first off it's only a 1/2" can't push 900 gph through a 1/2" pipe, so even if your pipe is 3/4 or 1" all the way, just having the sqwd on there will restrict it down to 1/2" and then the way it works restricts the flow a little. that's why they came out with the new one finally which has a 1" inlet and outlets. that way you could push a good amount of flow through it. I think 1400 gph max. I have the feeling i'm going to end up with one...just not right now.
Was it just the old ones that restricted the flow through a 1/2" opening? I was planning on getting the 3/4" squid. Do you think it would be restricted through the new ones as well?
i'm pretty sure the 3/4 inch one had a barb that a 3/4 vinly hose hooks up to. the inside dia. of that barb is 1/2". it's the cheaper one. they now have one that has 1" fpt connections on all ends. aka 1" pvc screw right in. but it's $89.99. that's the one i'm thinking about getting, but i'm going to research it a little online before buying it.
I installed the 3/4" scwd about a month ago and I have to admit I'm not crazy about it. It switches about every 6 seconds but it greatly reduced the flow of my return pump (OR 6500). When budget restraints let up I will probably look into a super squirt. I read on another thread somewhere that there were a lot of problems with the 1" scwd.