Sea Apple giving birth??


New member
So I came home today and noticed this weird "sack" kinda thing coming out of my sea apple's back end. It appears to be a crab of some sort??
I'm not sure if it is giving birth to a crab or if it ate a crab and is now passing it out the back end?? I didn't think it was possible for it to actually eat a crab since it has to grab its food with those soft "tentacle like" hands and feed it into its mouth. I didn't actually think it could catch a crab. So now I'm wondering if there is some way possible it could have eaten crab eggs and is now delivering a crab? Anyone have any idea what to make of this? I will try to post a picture, but I'm doing this from my phone, so I can only hope it works.


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There are a variety of fish and crabs that will live commensally inside of sea cucumbers ;)
Without a positive ID get the thing OUT OF THERE NOW. Put it in a QT tank or a bucket with a heater and a bubbler and tank water. I have had one nuke a whole tank and I will never have one again.

Is it new? It's normal for them to look like this ->


If it's new or something maybe it's just opening up. If it's not new and it already does that and this is something you have not seen then QT ASAP.

Is the pink thing the crab? I just don't take changes with sea apples, ever.
Yes, mine looks just like that. I have had it about 4 months and yes the pink thing in the picture is the sack thing with a crab inside it. It is coming out the other end of the red/pink arm tentacles shown in your picture, which mine currently has retracted inside of itself.
I was wanting to hear something like what Bill said so I would know this could possibly have happened to someone else before. I will put it in QT again and see if this thing passes though and hatches. I didn't know crabs came from eggs and thought they were live born.
I expect in this case, the commensal crab died and was excreted. Crab eggs are rather small, on the order of 1 or 2 mm, and hatch out has planktonic larvae that aren't even recognizable as a crab...unless you are familiar with the larval zoea stages.
Thanks Bill. That is what appears to have happened in this case. It was a very weird thing to see and experience, thanks again for the info.
What happened to your sea apple? I'm currently in the same situation. When I moved it from the dt, the sack popped in the qt tank and a dead crab came out. I had the sea apple for six months and currently it looks fine in qt tank.