Sea hare for Gracilaria die off


New member
I recently added 3 pounds of red Gracilaria to my display. It all started to go down hill within 24 hours. Not all of it started dying just branches in bundles. So I decided to add two sea hare's, not only to mow down my green hair algae but to see if it would consume the Gracilaria. Well to my surprise they only ate the dying parts of the Gracilaria and left the live parts!

I think I just found a way to keep up with future die off of at least the Gracilaria because I'm still going to continue to try and grow it.
I recently added 3 pounds of red Gracilaria to my display. It all started to go down hill within 24 hours. Not all of it started dying just branches in bundles. So I decided to add two sea hare's, not only to mow down my green hair algae but to see if it would consume the Gracilaria. Well to my surprise they only ate the dying parts of the Gracilaria and left the live parts!

I think I just found a way to keep up with future die off of at least the Gracilaria because I'm still going to continue to try and grow it.

Thats pretty fortuitous! Thanks for sharing.