Sea hare vs. green hair algae


Active member
So my tanked finished cycling and then I started having a green hair algae bloom. All my water parameters were fine so I think I narrowed it down to old MH light bulbs. I replaced them yesterday. Time will tell if my problem is solved.

The GHA is hard to rip off by hand without causing a a huge landslide in my tank. I purchased a sea hare to help with my problem. It is an eating machine! The minute I dropped it into my tank, it went to work.

I think it should be done with the cleanup sometime next week. If anyone is interested in a healthy eating sea hare please let me know.
I bought 5 sea hares after acclimation I place in the tank. My two wp40"s took care of them. I have never seen them again.
My sea hare is the size of a racketball. I hope my MP40 doesn't hurt it. it would create quite a mess in my tank.
Yes, make sure you protect the pump. I heard a nylon stocking over the pump is good for it. I bought the Dwarf sea hare, I don't know if will happen with any other sea hares.
Check your PO4 & NO3 levels, lights are just helping it grow.

1+- No3 with salifert, pho4 with Hanna, if needed your only a few miles away now.

Vortech pumps come with a sponge like cover to prevent this. I know most of us dont use, cause its a PITA to clean, but thats what they are for. Ben if you need, ill look in my mess of a garage and try to find. It will take me a few days, LOL :sad1:
All the algae is on the right side of the tank so I have turned off the right vortec. The one on the left is still on. I hope he will stay on the side where his grub is at. Thanks Eddie I will let you know if I see him make his way over to the left side.