Sea Hare?

I bought a sea hare for my hair algae problem and I am wondering if it's actually hair algae or something else. He was on my rock and ate some algae off then went to my glass skipping a lot. This is some pics of the algae I am dealing with. I do have a microscope if that helps.


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A rough look has me thinking it’s hair algae but would need more white light pic and closer
This better?


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AHH....yes. He'll will get them soon. They tend to move around for no reason....soon as he finds that garden again he'll chomp them down. Looks like you got tons of bubble algae also...
It appears to be hair algae best I can tell. My experience with sea hares is they are like any other animal that just wanders through the tank. It will find it and mow it down. Just be prepared to move it as they’ll usually take care of an issue quickly and then starve as @BeanAnimal stated
Ok, its now on glass not really eating what I assume is hair algae. I wonder now. How do you know if sea hare getting enough to eat?