Sea Salt

Yes. Exclusively since my 180 started. I am switching to TM Pro for the additional CA/MG supplementation now since I'm using more and more and 24x7 kalk drip isn't almost keeping up. I wouldn't use any other salt except TM. But that's just my opinion.
I use tropic marin pro didnt know there was a normal one. I wouldnt use anything else. I started with oceanic and my calcium was over 600.
You got it! Another recommendation - keep with the same salt, don't switch around. IMO, the German stuff is usually better but more expensive.

Are you dosing CA now? If you go with the PRO you might have to cut back on your CA suuplementation. Just adjust your CA addition accordingly.
I am starting up a brand new tank. So I'm switching from nothing to this. On an old tank I used regular tropin marin salt only; I did use calcium supplementation but now I have a while before I think about it because I am starting with all new and fresh things. My old system creashed when I didn't use an RO/DI and my tapwater from my condo had too high of metal levels in it.