Sea Swirl vs. Tunze


New member
I can get a pretty killer deal on a Sea Swirl 3/4" - $75 used. I like the idea of the redirection of the water by the sea swirl but Im wondering how they are compared to tunze which I have also been looking at? Anyone have a good comparison or suggestion on which to go with? always, thanks!
Depends upon the pump that you add to it, I think those particular sea swirls max out at about 850gph. If it were a strict choice between the two I'd definately go the tunze direction, but if you could get a tunze for $75.... well let me know who your contact is I want in! :) The Seaswirls also just blow water near the surface, I don't believe you can angle them downward at all. Nice for a return pump though if you don't have something like an ocean motion.
Ahh, I forgot you need a pump to power the sea would think for the price they are the pump would come with it....what is a good pump for one?
Also, the $75 one is used but supposedly they are very good and used wont really matter....
hey thats a good idea....I have a maxijet1200 modded which I can attach to it!

......great idea ChinChek787
If I were to choose between both, I would go with tunze, but a combo of both is the best way to go.
I have a SS mounted just above a tunze, so the flow outcoming from the SS crashes with the tunze´s flow creating a random flow.
Best of both worlds.
BTW I have some friends which have mounted a stream on a tunze.
you can put lock line on your sea swirl to angle it down it you like.

if i have it my way on my next big tank, im going to have 2 6100 tunzes with a controller and a sea swirl.
I have a 3/4" SS and two Tunze 6060's. You can't beat the tunzes for water movement but at the same time they just push water in the same direction.

Something else to look at that realy combines the water movement of the SS and volume of the Tunze. You need a pump for it as well but it can handle way more flow.
I had a mag 9 on mine but have since moved up to a mag 12. I guess it just depends on how many feet of head you have. Currenly the mag 12 is only running about 810 gph whereas the mag 9 was only 660gph.
hahahha... i like how everyone is posting stuff but not answering your question. Unfortuntately I cant tell you what pump to use either. :p
stay away from mags. They use too much electricity, and produce too much heat.

I <3 Oceanrunner pumps. The 3500 is awesome.

sea swirl vs tunze, I would chose tunze

pump for sea swirl,

in-sump, I would choose mag12, good track record, ehiem best
out-sump, I would choose blueline BL 40 HD or panworld similar

BTW I have some friends which have mounted a stream on a tunze.
How can I do this :D

good luck with your setup,

go panworld/ blueline over iwaki- same engineer, but the panworld are better, and chaper$$.
That 40 HD is a very good pump. I own 2 pressure rated ones in that faimly

IMO blue line makes the best pumps you can buy, with the only better external pump buy is a sequence [for power reasons].... but those are too big for your and my current uses,