I purchased a little pincushion urchin 3 days ago, and affectionately named him Hedgie. Here is a picture of my little baby http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=375658&stc=1&d=1499117765 I am a saltwater beginner and my tank has been established for about 2 months. He is the first inhabitant, and seems to have been doing well. However, yesterday he lost about 4 spines sometime in the night while I wasn't watching him. My tank levels are good, 0 ammonia,nitrites or nitrates. PH is at 8.2, and my salinity is at 1.024. I acclimated him for an hour and a half, the salinity from the lfs was 1.026. Did I acclimate him long enough? I know 4 spines isn't a lot, but I am in love with this little guy and would be devastated if anything happened to him. Am I just being paranoid? He also has plenty to eat, my live rock has lots of algae on it and I supplement him algae wafers just in case, he seems to love them.