seachem reef salt & borate accumulation


New member
Asked about Seachem's Reef salt couple weeks ago-to see if anyone noticed any probs with their sps & received no negative reports--only good. I'm still curious about the borate levels & whether or not they seem to be accumulating over time. Have any of you who have been using this salt for say at least 6 mos or so been testing their borate levels? Seachem says their borate levels are 3x NSW & that it's not harmful at these levels, but I'm wondering if over time these levels may gradually ramp up to "harmful" levels. Been wanting to try it to see if my ph would come up some & my diatoms might go down some. Just a little tweaking--which prob shouldn't do since tank has been looking fine & dandy--but what's the fun in that:) Even if you haven't been testing, still looking for more feedback.
Just curious, but what makes you think that the borate would accumulate?? We arent adding borate constantly before taking some out. Its not like an additive we are putting in our tanks every day for months like 2-part. I guess I dont understand how else it could accumulate.....
Wow--duh--I think you guys are right. I guess I was thinking of it in terms of an additive instead of just part of the regular water change equation. Thanks!
Anyone else have any feedback on the salt in general?