

Active member
Did someone have a seahare they were giving away or selling?

The HA in my tank has continued to spread (although it finally slowed down over the last few days).

Anyway, I think there is enough to keep one of these guys alive for a while and as soon as he is close to done I'll pass it along to whoever needs it next.

I restocked the CUC recently and they've barely made a dent. Hit or miss with CUC's.
Something's fishy had 2-3 for sale in north miami. I've never seen one before and heard they were ugly but dam those things are disgusting looking.
the ones with blue spots on their back are sort of attractive to me, and they work 24/7. had one back in our 20 gallon years ago and it would clean the whole tank in 12 hours. Won't solve the underlying nutrient issues, but will demolish hair algae and leave a trail of poo behind (literally a trail)
All I can say is if you have an RO/DI at home, change the filters. It's almost rare to get crazy HA if you do regular water changes. Lately a lot of people have came across this problem including me and once I realize what others told me about chloramines, changed it and instantly things started to come back and HA slowly disappeared.
Thanks guys....I'll see if I can find one somewhere. I'll call something fishy as well

It's almost rare to get crazy HA if you do regular water changes

And therein lies the problem. See my other thread about babies causing hair changes went out the window!!!