
Rock Anemone

S.C.U.B.A. :)
I noticed you hae a seahorse, it looks very nice in a reef.

I want to try a seahorse in my 75 gallon reef, maybe a pair, would this be ok? I would feed daily and provide gorgonians and macro for their support.

Rock Anemone
Man, if I could go back a week! One week ago, I was seining in the gulf and got seahorses by the dozen! If I would have thouight about it, I would have brought some home (well, not really), I just want to find aout about the seahorses and if they would go in a reef tank with other fish, as I have heard they do not do well with fast fish, like theose listed in the TOM. Curious, I wionder if they would do well in a planted tank? I have a 58 with a few gorgonianas, zenia and macro
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curious as well

curious as well

I had thought about having a seahorse in the reef tank, just knowing that it will have to be specifically fed so it is not outcompeted. How long have you had yours and how is it doing?
About the seahorse, I have had this one 4-5 months and he is eating with the rest of the fish.
I do push some food his way to give him a better chance , but I don't target feed.
He will also go from rock to rock eating scraps left over that the fish have missed.
Living with fast fish makes him do a flip or two now and again, but none of them bother him.

I haven't read up on seahorses, so I can't really tell you much exept what my experince with them has been with them.

The last seahorse I had was in the tank for about 3 years.
Hi Kedd, impressive tank btw...great work! I was reading your "Tank of the month" and also am curiosu about the seahorse in a community tank :)

Just curious about those Calcareous stuff on thathow he looked when you first got him? I am very ignorant on seahorse, so not sure if that's how they look naturally anyway. But I thought I saw a solid yellow before...
