SEASL Store Visit : Saltwater Island September 22nd , 2010


New member
SEASL Store Visit : Saltwater Island

September 22nd , 2010
5:30pm - 8:00pm

Saltwater Island
15214 Manchester Rd.
Ballwin, MO 63011

Come join us in visiting Saltwater Island on September 22nd. Saltwater Island has been recently expanded close to three times the original store size. If you have not been to Saltwater Island in a while now is a good time.

I'm real excited. This year's off to a seriously good start. And from the looks of things it's gonna stay good. :)
I will try to be there myself!! its a drive for me to come up there but i want to meet the members.. and get and app to fill out and send in!! Btw i have no printer anyone want to print one out and have available at the meet and what time will we decende on the unsuspectiing lfs?
I will try to be there myself!! its a drive for me to come up there but i want to meet the members.. and get and app to fill out and send in!! Btw i have no printer anyone want to print one out and have available at the meet and what time will we decende on the unsuspectiing lfs?

If you are talking about a SEASL membership printout, I'm sure Jim Craig will have one with him. :)
Btw i have no printer anyone want to print one out and have available at the meet and what time will we decende on the unsuspectiing lfs?

We will definitely have the forms to become a member. We will start the store visit at 5:30pm and Mark is expecting us. See you there.
Spoke to Mark and the deal of the day will be

20% off livestock and 10% off drygoods :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

If you didn't go and haven't been, you're missing out.










It was great to meet you all up there last night sorry i had to run but i had to put my Kathy's Baby's to there new home last night.. Boy they were freaked out at first but Thanks to mark for selling me that acklimation tube i was able to get them aclimated over a period of 2 1/2 hours and shoes them into a cup and they hid out and now swimming around the tank and EATING yay!!
thank you all for stopping by:wave: you are a great club to work with and all of us enjoyed your company, it was time well spent kept up the good work! as always we will continue to support this club and look forward to seeing you all again.

thanks mark,damon,chris and holly
I have not seen you around here, but I am guessing you are a newbie...that is not a coral for a new tank or a new reefer. I could be wrong in my assumptions but if you are a newb..please read up on the coral or see if Mark will trade it in for a more novice coral. good luck
Thank you for your concerns Geoxman.

I have been in freshwater off and on for about 35 yrs and in saltwater for 2 years. If there is one thing i have learned since getting into the marine hobby, is researching before I buy and continued educational briefings afterward.

Yes it is true this coral is NOT for a beginner, and I don't consider myself one either but I try to enrich my knowledge whenever I have the opportunity to do so.

I am always ready to bend an ear to new ideas and rely on those willing to share their knowledge and experiences.

And besides, we at the SEASL Club have a great support team, all one has to do is ask.

Thanks again,
Jim Privitor
Secretary SEASL Club

PS.... If you are a SEASL member and planning to come to our next meeting on Oct 16th, please intro yourself and share some of your experiences and knowledge with me? :spin3:
I am typing in blue since you went red on me. I had no idea about your experience level and I was trying to be pleasant in the post. Usually when you see someone with 11 post's they are newbs and usually have a tang in a 10gl and are asking "why is my pink carnation coral dying?"

I rarely make it to either of the 2 clubs meetings but I am sure we will meet soon enough through other fish geeks. good luck
