seasonal lighting?


New member
I have just joined the profilux family this week. very exciting. I have a Geismann infinity fixture (mh/t5 combo) all non-dimmable :( ;which I may end up changing out the t5 ballasts in the future. But I was wondering if the computer in the future would be able to support seasonal variation in the day length. For example in the summer months turn the lights on earlier and keep them on longer and in the winter turn them on later and keep them on shorter. This would be a very nice feature to add. Thanks
I assume you mean by a daily progression, not just upping or lowering your timers.

Good suggestion and one I think could have legs for sure.
yes, daily progression done by the computer. so that sunrise/sunset would automatically adjust every day thoughout the year. maybe some smart programmer could write that one up!

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