'seasoning' a tank


Afflicted Reefer
I currently have a healthy 200g reef full of acros and other SPS in my office. we have to move in Jan as I finally bought a space... Planned to set up a reef in the new space (bigger of course) and move all the corals over after tank is cycled. considered putting current stand alone fuge online in new system and use as much exisiting rock as possible but Im still freaked that the new tank wont be 'seasoned enough' to support the acros. Any thoughts? After watching vids from Sanjay and Mike Palletta on this topic among others seems to be a big issue. Also, I experieinced the same with this system where I could not get anything to grow well for over a year. how does one avoid this pain? is there a way? i should have no bio die off in the move. will this save me?
Following along, as I too have an SPS dominant tank I'm looking to upgrade. I planned on having someone hold all of my nicer pieces and sell the others that are readily available. I hate having to start over but I suppose that's part of the growing pains.

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Is it possible to have the new tank in place and ready to go and as the move date approaches get everything online. Then tank as much water from current tank with you.

I have moved 4 times with full blown sps colonie tanks across the state of Florida. My company moves me all the time. I always use half the water from my existing system. The same rock from previous system and new sand. I get a small cycle and have only lost two corals from 4 moves. Everything is cleaned in vinegar before mover pumps, skimmers, plumbing, tank etcc..you will be fine don't over think it, the water and rock from your current system will hold enough bacteria that you will have minimal issues at best.
You can use the sand, but starting off new not a bad idea. I agree with reefinder, I live in FL and have moved mature systems many times, no ill effects. Important to keep the rock submerged in water to avoid bacteria die off. I mean very little air contact, the bacteria will die quickly. As far as sand, I have used the same sand and rinsed several times with tank water after water changes, and had no issues. I usually add more during this time, or throw out and replace, just want to mention that the sand can be re-used. Like mentioned, use as much seeded water as you can, at least 50/50. Also, you will have a mini-cycle, so a bit of bacteria during this process is a good idea to dose. Main thing is to manually dose minerals during this time, as the corals will shut down and likely not be taking or consuming them. Test alk, daily until you see PE on corals, and normal uptake of alk. That said, simply going back online with your old program could cause an alk spike, and we all know nothing good comes after ;) Cheers