Seio MM500 Magnet Mounts???


New member
I have 2 seio 2600's and have rigged a bracket for them because the suction cups do not hold them. I saw that seio has made a magnet mount for them they call the MM 500. You guys have the 200 and 300 available but no 500 on the web site. Can you get them and if not what is their status????
Hi Ryan,

They have not came out with the larger size yet. They have the advertising out already, but TAAM is always a little early getting there info out, then months later the products come.

They told us with the Polario would come out same time as the MM500 since that is the magnet to fit that unit. So might be another month or two.
Bump for an update from another victim of those horrid suction cups and no magnet mounts. :D

I would also settle for the "adjustable elevated side discharge hanging bracket", but I can't find those either. It really stinks that they included that bracket on the M1500 but it's optional on the M2600.

They are saying the Polaris is due out in the summer now and at least originally they told us the larger magnet would come out at the same time, so probably looking at couple of months.