selling a complete system


New member
moving sale (pickup in Moorestown "“ about 15 minutes from Phila)

As much as it pains me, I need to break down and sell my beloved system. I have an opportunity for my family to move and I'll be taking on the mother of all projects "“ the house is like a museum from 1970. No time or money for the tank for a few years. Also, I have to move in a day so moving the tank with livestock isn't practical. Unfortunately (or fortunately using the band-aid theory) this all has to happen pretty quickly.
I'd like to sell off the whole thing "“ all the bells and whistles so I have less to move. If that doesn't happen then I will sell off the livestock and keep the equipment for when I start things up.

Systems is as follows:
(Take a look at my tale here to see all of this in glorious detail)
90g AGA display
40 breeder sump and fuge
DIY stand and hood "“

DIY LED fixture (made up of 68 CREE LEDs with 60-48p meanwell drivers and controller; build for that is here)
Mag 9.5 return (+ spare pump and impeller)
ACjr controller with 2 DB8s (that model controller can only run 12 outlets, one DB8 has a single outlet that's always hot so I use 13)
1/3 HP Prime drop-in chiller
Ranco Two stage Temp controller
Jager 300W heater
300W SERA heater run on controller as a backup to the Jager
Super Reef Octopus 2000XP skimmer
2x Ecotech MP40Ws with battery backup
Bio Pellets - Bulk Reef Supply reactor running off MJ1200 with magnet mounts
GAC reactor "“ Bulk Reef Supply reactor running off MJ1200 with magnet mounts
GFO reactor "“ two little fishes reactor running off MJ1200 with magnet mounts
MTC MiniCal reactor with Milwaukee pH controller and 2.5 lb Co2 bottle
Tunze Osomlator ATO with magnet holder for sensors and a 20gH for ATO reservoir (has a small powerhead to keep water circulating)
Kent marine Ro/Di with dual TDS meter and membrane flush kit installed

Also have:
20g Long QT setup
2 10g tanks for utility and back up
Several 15-20 food safe drums with locking lids for transport
Hanna Checkers
Ca, Phosphate, Alkalinity
PinPoint Salinity monitor
PinPoint pH monitor (no probe)

spare MJ1200s
just about everything else you could imagine needing

Livestock and such:
About 200-250 lbs of live rock "“ shrooms, leathers and some montis encrusted on"¦
160 lbs of aragonite sand from Marco Rocks
Large brittle star
Coral banded shrimp (molts regularly "“ great grower)
1-2 emerald crabs
Various snails and hermits "“ I think the last refresh was about 8 months ago from reef cleaners. No clue how I would count what's in there

Large Gold Maroon Clown with 3 anemones - 2 are RBTAs - one is un-ID'd - was hot pink but has recently gotten much healthier and looks more orange
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Sm. Perc Clown (lives in the fuge b/c of GSMC "“ afraid to put them together)
Coral beauty
Green/blue Mandarin
Yellow shrimp goby and pistol shrimp
Purple pseudochromis
6 line wrasse

Several pieces of green branching hammer
Most of these I would consider in the frag size category
Birds nest
Tri-color valida
Green slimer
Monti Setosa
Blue tipped Staghorn
Purple digi
Purple nana
Purple Bonsai
Purple milli
Monti spoghota
Yellow birds nest
Pink lemonade
Superman encrusting Monti
Green Metalic palys
Red monti cap
Green/purple tipped monti cap
Blue shrooms and neon green shrooms (between half and a dozen of each) (also, one red that's recovering)
Finger leathers
Another leather - maybe cabbage, I call it elephant ear but I'm pretty sure that's not official
Pulsing xenia that seems to have gone into hibernation
Some plain old clove polyp
A couple colonies of zoas and palys that are not ID'd

I'm sure I forgot stuff - I'd like to get $3500 for everything "“ I mean everything. This is an instant system and if you price out all the pieces it will go way beyond this. If I can't get a taker, I will sell off the livestock. I'm not ready to part out the equipment - I have way too much invested to turn around and replace it all in a year or two so I will store it but I can't do that with the livestock"¦.
Only other consideration would be a trade for a smaller nano-size system plus cash and I would keep some of the coral and a few of the smaller fish for that nano. So someone looking to move up from their red sea max, here's your shot!!

LED build
i have a 40g breeder with a 20g sump. it's like your tank but much smaller. im not sure if thats small enough for you to consider a trade but I would be interested in something like that.