Selling the rest of my tank


New member
I am selling the rest of my tank due to no time for it. The tank is a 22g cadlights with a 24 inch 4 bulb tek light, 1/10 hp chiller, rock sand and afew corals. It comes on a oceanic stank. Here are some pics.







Please call if you have any questions. I have a price in mind but make a reasonable offer and I will consider. The tank and light are new with reciepts and original box.

Do you have prices? My PM's don't work so please message me on AIM at zurcdotnet or email me at contact (at) zurc (dot) net please..

I am mostly interested in the chiller, but if the price is right I can take the other stuff off your hands.

-Mike C.
lol Zurc, you got your old account back.

MikeP, are the lights suspended, or are they mounted with tek legs? Do they fit with Tek legs?
I would like to get $675. this will include the pictured tank minus the orange ric. it will also include a drilled 37g oceanic tank, 2 rubbermaid sumps joind with bulk heads, various loc-line fittings, OR 4000 pump, 20g long, 29g bow front tank with baffles, timers, power strips, CPR external overflow box, another overflow box and filter sock holder with 2 socks exotic aquatics, test kits, and coral food(coral frenzy). The tek lights are suspended, I don't see why the tek legs won't fit, they should. I am trying to get rid of everything all at once, alot of useful stuff.
Is the 4000 pump Quiet One?
What type of Test kits?

Will you consider selling the chiller alone?

Let me know,
-Mike C.
Zurcsreef - I think it might be easier if you just give me a call if you have more questions. i will be away from my computer tonight and calling me will be the best way for me to answer any questions you have.

I've seen this tank, and let me tell you it is nice. If I wasnt in the middle of an upgrade, I'd 1/2 of your equipment & all your corals!!
I've seen this tank, and let me tell you it is nice. If I wasnt in the middle of an upgrade, I'd RAID 1/2 of your equipment & all your corals!!