setting up a qt


New member
Hello guys I'm planning on adding some additions to the tank but need an opinion as to what medication you guys put or if you put any at all and how long do you let the fish sit in qt. And last question I promise how long does your qt tank need to be set up before adding a fish to it
There's decent write ups on this in the new members forum that talk about mess to have on hand and how to set up.

But with that being said, you could technically just use some pvc tubes for hiding places and take mature water from your display for the qt during water changes. All you have to monitor is ammonia. A simple 20gal, power head, and a heater is really all you need.
My QT is fully cycled. I had some extra rock so I seeded it in my sump and used that. I have used PVC in the past, you just have to stay on top of it more. I don't use a heater because most fish can tolerate temps in the mid 70's or slightly below and that is where the tank runs naturally.

I would just get a cheap HOB filter and a powerhead. You will also want an ammonia badge. Start very slow, especially if the tank is not cycled, and do WC every few days to start then weekly. Because mine is cycled I don't do any waterchanges. Mine also has a HOB skimmer that I had laying around, but by no means is it necessary.

I typically do hypo followed by Prazi. I observe the fish for a few days get them eating then start treatment. Not sure if its just my luck but every fish I have QTd has had ich, all of them. With the hypo they do well. The Prazi knocks out their appetite a little so that's why I want them eating first.

If you plan on QTing a series of expensive fish, consider leaving a peaceful cheap fish in there as a "trainer". It helps new additions learn to eat. Monkey see monkey do. I find this very helpful with fish like anthias.

My first set of anthias took days maybe a week before they started eating. My second round I left one in there that was already eating and on the first day the others were eating.
nice rov yeah........ considering fish from petco and maybe allpets during black friday so i really want to be extra cautious lol