Setting up my 6105s and 7096 on my 72 bowfront

I can't get a good idea for the right corner layout from the photos, is the maxijet in the right corner? How far is that from that high rock stack?
Maxijets and Koralias are out of the tank. Only 6105s remain and they are in the center of the side glass panels.
That is fine, I am only interested in the position of the maxijet, if it is on the right I would place one Stream 6105 there and the other on the left where the Korallia was, I would aim them so they hit the front 3ft away. Set the power supply to the 12V jumper so the flow rate is lower. I would then use Interval mode with a 6hr interval and pulse from about 30%-60% to start and ramp up the 60%-100% slowly as the corals adapt.