setting up tunze's


New member
I am a new owner of a profilux and am trying to get all the accessories I need to get this thing up and running. I have seen many threads on how you can do this many ways, but figured I would just come straight to the source. I want to be able to control two tunze 6055's opposing each other, 60/40, 40/60, 50/50, etc... I have seen where I think you can run them off one line-split, but not sure if I am seeing this right...? Just wondering what accessories I will need to get this going. the profilux is also about 25 feet from the tank (downstairs) so i will need an extender...?
I also found the extender for temp probe, etc... but wondering which extender i will need for my stimu-stick.
Thanks in advance,

Happy to assist, and welcome to the most elite controller club :)

To control two Tunzes you require

Tunze1 (cable)
Tunze2 (cable)
YL2-1 splitter

For extending the cords -

For both Tunze and the simu-L

VSL-5 this gives you 15 feet so you would require 2

For Temperature probe extension you require

VTN-5 this also provided 15 feet in length
Set up instructions

Plug YL2-1 splitter onto L1L2

Plug Tunze and Tunze 2 into the splitter

Go to 1-10V interface function screen

Edit L1 to current pump 1
Edit L2 to current pump 2

Go to pump function screen, from here you can set the pumps as you wish.

Some ProfiLux users here I am sure will share some settings with you ;)
confused..., do i need i extension for both tunzes or two extensions for both. making it 3 total with the stimu stick..?
Tunze -

Plug Vsl-5 into L1L2 (if you need to extend further then plug in the second VSL-5 to the first)

The plug YL2-1 into the end of VSL-5

From there you can plug in your tunzes

For Simu-L plug VSL-5 into L3L4 and plug the Simu-L into the end of VSL-5
This all depends on if you are upgrading in the future to the ProfiLux 3 by fitting the upgrade kit.

If yes - then you just need a wireless brdge to communicate with your router, the P3 comes with built in onboard webserver as standard

If no - Then you need PLM-WLAN

Thanks to both of you for the excellent questions and the excellent answers. This information has helped me also.