Sexy shrimp bad???


New member
Every thing I had read about sexy shrimp said they were "reef safe." I wanted to give them a try, so I bought 3 of the things, they were so tiny. Now I just discovered one picking the flesh off the bottom of my Elegans coral!!! I am sick to my stomach... Is this a usual occurrence, or did I just luck up and get the "bad" one?? Any suggestions on how to get it OUT??
well last resort is, if you dont have any other precious shrimps/crabs/ hermits

you can use interceptor (the red bug medication). That will kill any shrimp in ur tank and red bugs (if you didn't know you had any)
Interceptor should not be used as a "get out of jail free" card. I still cant believe vets are giving this stuff out to not be used as intended. It is designed for treating dogs, not aquariums. I have a feeling we will ultimately se some very bad side effects from its use (and over use).
I would guess that the sexy shrimp are picking unhealthy or sloughing tissue, but you would know better than me. I cant imagine they cant be trapped somehow (put the coral in a tupperware in the tank, and when the shrimp jumps on the coral, remove the whole thing, and remove the shrimp at your leisure). DO NOT KILL THESE ANIMALS BECAUSE YOU DONT WANT THEM ANYMORE!
i just wanted to say that i also do not approve of killing without cause.

however, when my corals were suffering from red bugs, I couldn't get my cleaner shrimps from the tank, but I still had to treat the entire tank. some of my shrimps and hermits died, but I tried to salvage as many hermits before the treatment
Maybe you can hook up shrimp with bait and net.. Good luck.. And don't treat drug till last time.. ^^
I've had sexy shrimp in my tanks for years and I've never had them pick on anything nor have I ever had a customer report theirs did. They are considered extremely reef compatible and wonderful additions to reef tanks. This is from Wet Web Media:

" looks to me like you're the owner of some sexy Thor amboinensis. They are perfectly harmless, and stay pretty small, too! They are almost always found in association with anemones, and can eat a variety of small foods, such as Mysis and other finely chopped seafoods. Pretty cool little shrimp, IMO! Hope this helps! Regards, Scott
Well, it looks like the sexy shrimps are "off the hook," so to speak. The coral they were picking on earlier started to rtn from the base tonight, so I am sure it had started earlier today and that is why they were picking on it. I was able to frag it up in time, so hopefully the frags will do ok. I haven't seen the sexy shrimp since I posted, I guess I owe them an apology when they make an appearance! :)