sfiligoi chiller and profilux plus II


New member
Which would be better to control a Sfiligoi Bigflite chiller: the controller of the chiller, or the Profilux plus II?

and how do you control chillers and heaters? do you just adjuct them so that they are always on (i.e. heater at 30C, chiller at 20C) and have the profilux turn them on as needed?
For more accurate and controllable temperature control the profiLux is designed for this purpose.

When setting the heater and chiller, it is wise never to set a heater to full or a chiller to its lowest but approx 1-2 degree above and below, this acts as a safety net which is paramount no matter what devise you use for controlling devices
For security reasons I recommend to adjust the nominal value of the cooler only some degree under nominal temperature and the heater some degree above nominal temperature. In this configuration ProfiLux is able to control the devices (by switching sockets on/off) and in case of an error the water won't become too hot or cold because heating and cooling is limited.

ProfiLux has a special algorithms to control heaters and coolers with one probe. A lot to explain -> please read the manual section"temperature"