Share my one month growth!

It's been about two months since my last pictures. I just wanted to share some more. For the first Time ever I had to trim corals because they were growing into each other. That was exciting. Everything is still growing really well I've cut back on feedings a bit since I've been pretty busy and I'm still dosing kc and replenish when I remember. May be 5 times a week or so.

Thanks. I'm super happy right now.

The red piece came to me as a Wayne's rainbow acro. It looks almost identical to a pc rainbow acro.
Everything's going well. Thanks reefmutt.

I did just add some flubber for some movement. I won't post that here. Lol.
Haven't posted in a few months. Growth has still been exceptional but my colors suffered dramatically when I lost a few fish and found a source of copper corroding in the tank. Here's some more pics I took a day or so ago.

Awesome growth Bdial! Now that things have grown out looks like its time to work on color and rid that tank of nuisance algae/cyano. You have some really nice SPS hope you get them all colored back up.
Thanks man. Glad you found this. Colors are bouncing back and the nusiance algaes are going away. Husbandry has gotten a little slack. Actually now that I think about I just used the last of my alk and cal supplies. The colonies are growing too close together now and fighting. I need to do some rearranging. Hurry up and get your tank up and come over and help me trim.
Thanks man. Glad you found this. Colors are bouncing back and the nusiance algaes are going away. Husbandry has gotten a little slack. Actually now that I think about I just used the last of my alk and cal supplies. The colonies are growing too close together now and fighting. I need to do some rearranging. Hurry up and get your tank up and come over and help me trim.

No doubt. Im in! We will get together soon. Do you have room to frag/mount anything until I am ready? Just thinking you could go ahead and trim if you needed to so they are not touching and then I could pick them up when I am ready.