Sharing pix of my 'shrooms

So since one of my fish developed a taste for all the "designer" zoas I used to have... we decided to have a bit of a mushroom garden. I have a couple other softies and leathers but I think we are going to make the mushrooms center stage.

Also I just changed up my supplements to CaribSea PurpleUp ... I have tons of coraline, but the LFS suggested it for supplementing all my corals, especially since I haven't been supplementing iodine (which IS in it)

This is what I have so far: (feel free to ID them please!!)
New one:


Other new one: (LFS said this one is a fast grower)


My old bright pinkie (had since Jan...its doubled its size and split, and now there is a new tiny baby next to it!)


See the baby? lol
Thanks!! I had a pink/green striped Watermelon one, but the hammer we had started coming out more and leaned over and killed it. Lesson learned.... :hmm5:
Very cool, I love those double red ones! One thing though, you for sure don't want to add anything into your tank that you can't test for which would include iodine. It's easy to overdose and can cause a lot of problems if it does.

For coralline growth water changes and using kalk in your ATO will do fine, LFS unfortunately are sometimes more interested in getting you to take a product home rather than whether it's really necessary or if you even need it at all.
very cool, i love those double red ones! One thing though, you for sure don't want to add anything into your tank that you can't test for which would include iodine. It's easy to overdose and can cause a lot of problems if it does.

For coralline growth water changes and using kalk in your ato will do fine, lfs unfortunately are sometimes more interested in getting you to take a product home rather than whether it's really necessary or if you even need it at all.

Well, I have been salty since jan of last yr. Had planted FW for years before and have a koi pond in the back yard. I am still not high-tech enough to have a ATO or a kalk reactor, we just manually add it ourselves. There is not enough room inside the stand to add an ATO anyways, and there are appliances directly behind the wall where the tank is, so no piping it into the next room. We are both fine with doing it manually, we have been doing it this long. Now whenever we upgrade, that is a different story!!

I did a bunch of reading up on the shrooms and everything states that they need iodine. It seems like the Purple Up is mostly calcium anyways, but I am going to look more into it. I have a multitude of LFSs to choose from in metro St Louis, and I only go to the ones I trust. I'm in the local SLASH club (StL ***. saltwater hobbyists I think it stands for lol) and all of the people I talk to there also mostly only go to 2 LFSs. I'm pretty well aware a lot of them try selling things just to sell them, its not my first rodeo, LOL. Just new into concentrating on the shrooms so much. I'll be keeping an eye on how much I add, I wonder why no chemist has come up with a test for iodine? lol
You don't need a kalk reactor, I just drop 2 tsp per gallon into the ATO reservoir, sucks you don't have space for one though.

That purple up isn't just adding iodine, it's adding a lot of other things that you're probably also not testing for. There's no one size fits all additive, and to put it lightly that one is not a good idea to put into your tank and your trusted LFS may have been more than a bit disingenuous telling you that your mushrooms/corals needed it so that you'd buy it.

Here's some more info.
Yeah, it does suck I don't have the room for an ATO. We had to put the 20g T sump into the stand from the top, then put the tank on. Its TIGHT!

I will look at that. Before, I was only adding Kent calcium, and when I had my zoas I put in strontium/molybdenium.
You will be fragging in no time with that hairy mushroom. I have one myself
Matthew - sweet! So that one I said was a fast grower is a "hairy" mushroom?

Buck, thanks!

Can anyone actually ID them?